Monday, May 16, 2011

你有感覺到通膨嗎? Feeling the inflation around you


1.CPI (Consumer Price Index) 消費者物價指數
CPI的計算是用來量測某一時間消費者購買"貨物與服務"的"價格變化"比例,其計算方式大致上是計算代表性的貨物與服務價格(the basket of representative goods and services),分別給與權重加總,而後再除上基期的CPI,最後乘上100%而得來的數字。因此,若CPI Index上升,大家一定能夠馬上感覺到。

2.WPI(Wholesale Price Index) or (Producer Price Index) 躉售物價指數




CPI 與 WPI 當然也會有下跌的時候,我沒記錯的話那就叫Deflation(通縮)。基本上通縮代表著經濟嚴重衰退,雖然東西相對便宜,但也代表著大家的消費水準與收入相對也會減少,導致生產者生產意願低落,如此惡性循環下去。此時,最好的辦法便是政府大力進場干預,才能跳脫出來,但耗費的成本也相對較高。因此,各國都不願意陷入deflation的情況呀~~~


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


大哥問: 『...這是幹麼的?』
店員答: 『你再積八點就可以換獎品。』

然後......................... 店員就被揍了....................

這時店長 George 要離開了,店員就對門口正要離開的店長喊:『George掰!!』


然後.................... 大哥又衝動地進來扁了他一頓........

大哥抓著臉被打腫的店員大聲的問 :『 你叫甚麼名字??』
店員沒氣的回說 :『 Kenny 梁 ...』


大哥臨走前又問: 『集8點可以換什麼?』
店員手指玩偶: 『可以換那隻...』
大哥: 『這支是什麼碗櫃!?』
店員: 『草...草...草...泥馬...』




Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Smoking Gun

Today, as I were trolling through different news pages, one phrase really caught my attention: "There is no smoking gun from ..." (The entire page is here Chrome OS Could Launch This Week) All of the sudden, I started wondering what does the phrase mean? Because I've seen this phrase once in a while and vaguely know the definition of this phrase, this time I really want to fully understand this phrase from A to Z.

When I looked up the Wikipedia, OMG! it's goddamn long story. But long story for short, the phrase "Smoking gun" originated in the Sherlock Holmes story, The Gloria Scott (1893). At this moment, I think that you may say what's Sherlock Homes story. Put it as simple as it can, in Chinese, Sherlock Homes story is 福爾莫斯故事啦~~~

As for definition, the phrase in Chinese means 確切的證據(conclusive evidence) ....

Let's it....Next time I read this phrase...It will not bother me anymore..

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Flying in the face of the facts

Anderson Cooper 360 Podcast is of everyday's podcasts in my iPhone. For me, listening podcast is one of the way to practice my listening skills. Also, I would rather keep updated with the international news than spending time in being awash by unqualified, biased, smeared, twisted, and repeated news.

Today, Anderson Cooper was talking about the news about "Tony Hayward is stepping down with 18 million dollars". In the description, Anderson uses an idiom, "it seems Flying in the face of the facts". I have looked up the definition of the idiom. In fact, the idiom is "fly in the face of...", meaning "against".

Describing BP as being Corporation Social Responsibility flies in the face of the facts.

Interesting idiom!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

愛因斯坦 與 佛教

今天沒什麼事,在網路上亂逛,不經意的Google了Time Travel的理論。結果無意中發現愛因斯坦曾經研究『大藏經』、『易經』,並寫下了他自己的註解。以下是他的評論:


資料來源:Albert Einstein on God and Buddhism
The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend
personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the
natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense
arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a
meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any
religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

This is truly an inspirational speech for me, perhaps for you as well. For the translation, you can easily find by Google it. However, please do not stop just reading the translation in Chinese but take a step further to watch the video. You will actually feel enlightenment the speaker truly want to give.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

加入Facebook Like Button 到我的 Blogger 了

最近看到Facebook有所謂的Plateform可以使用,所以想說來試試看FB裡面的Web API玩玩看。
這篇發表來看看,應該可以看到FB 的like button 在下面吧...哈..