Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Smoking Gun

Today, as I were trolling through different news pages, one phrase really caught my attention: "There is no smoking gun from ..." (The entire page is here Chrome OS Could Launch This Week) All of the sudden, I started wondering what does the phrase mean? Because I've seen this phrase once in a while and vaguely know the definition of this phrase, this time I really want to fully understand this phrase from A to Z.

When I looked up the Wikipedia, OMG! it's goddamn long story. But long story for short, the phrase "Smoking gun" originated in the Sherlock Holmes story, The Gloria Scott (1893). At this moment, I think that you may say what's Sherlock Homes story. Put it as simple as it can, in Chinese, Sherlock Homes story is 福爾莫斯故事啦~~~

As for definition, the phrase in Chinese means 確切的證據(conclusive evidence) ....

Let's it....Next time I read this phrase...It will not bother me anymore..


sam said...


Kenneth said...


sam said...

哈.就閒來無聊寫寫摟. 丁丁是我家的食客. 很乖. 很撒嬌. 很討喜 : p